Med glädje och iver

Sol x Rino: 
Parning planeras i sommar 
Kullen kommer vara hemma hos Moa i Uppsala




River Flames Solar Storm of Apsu




Evviva La Vita Forget The Fear

ED: Ua
Ögon: Ua
PRA: Heriditärt fri
DE: Heriditärt fri
Buff: D/D (Fri, har ej genen)
Godkänt BPH med skott

Certifierad Assistanshund
Godkänt lämplighetstest

Excellent, Tollingjaktprov
Very Good, Retrieverjaktprov
Apportör på praktisk fågeljakt

Klass 1: 3 x uppflytt 

Heelwork to music:
Klass 1 3 x uppflytt 

Startklas 3 x uppflytt

Svensk Rallylydnads Champion



ED: 0/0
Eyes: Clear
PRA: normal (by parentage)
CEA: normal (by parentage)
DM: normal (by parentage)
JADD: normal (N/N) (by parentage)
DE: normal (by parentage)

Retriever work:
International working certifikate
Working Test, open class - Excellent
Working Test, intermediate class - Excellent Working Test, novice class - Excellent          Working Test, beginners class - Excellent

Water Rescue:
Water Rescue Champion Latvia - WRLVCH
Water Rescue Champion Estonia - WRESTCH

Rallyobedience champion - ROLVCH


BH - 1 Prize

VPK (general obedience course) -  1 Prize 

International Beauty Champion - C.I.B.
International Show Champion - C.I.E.
Balticum Champion - BALTCH
Latvian Winner 2019 - LVW'19
Lituanian Winner 2019 - LTW'19
Riga Winner 2021 - RIGA W’21
Latvian Junior Champion - LVJCH
Latvian Champion - LVCH
Lituanian Champion - LTCH
Estonian Champion – ESTCH
Best in group x 5
Best of breed x 9
Best of opposite sex x 5

About Rino

Rino was born in 2017 in Poland at kennel Evviva La Vita. He now lives in Latvia and was the second Toller to be imported to this country. Rino has alot of drive and can switch from calm passive to active really easy. He has nice grips and has a strong body with a dark red coat. Together with his owner Rino have trained and competed successfully in dog sports,  retrieverwork, rescue work and dogshows.

Rino is a very stable and friendly dog who loves to work regardless of what it is. He is social, fearless and works well with other dogs of both genders. He loves females. Rino has started several working tests for retrievers with great results - Excellent in four different classes.

Rino takes all game and has nice grips. He fetched his first goose this spring and took it without hesitation. He can be offleash without problems and he is quiet when working - this he has shown several times in working tests where he works side by side with other dogs during the tests.

Rino is a rallyobedience champion and a water rescue dog. He is a water rescue champion in both Latvia and Estonia. He is also an International show champion and is a champion in several countries.

Rino's father is the Swedish "Tollartrollets Molle" who, among other things, was a Swedish tollinghunting champion. Rino's mother is "Red Hot Chillis Daydream of Viva”, she was a search and rescue dog and a show champion. Both parents lived till around 12 years of age and have produced many nice and stable workingdogs.

Rino has been healthy all his life. All Rino's 5 siblings are x-rayed with HD A and ED 0. They have no illnesses, love to work and are very stable dogs. One of Rinos brothers is a search and rescue dog and two of his sisters are agility and freesbee dogs. Rino has had 5 litters abroad, not so many that compete, but according to the breeders, they are healthy and nice individuals.

Iras own words about Rino:

”Rin has a gentle character. No aggression at all. Like a real toller, he is ready to do anything at any time. He can enthusiastically walk on his own and immediately start doing something with me. He loves people very much, especially when they feed him. Willing to work or play with other people if given the right commands. At work he can be both calm and excited. But he tries very hard.”

About Sol

Sol was born in january of 2022 at my own home. She is a very sweet girl who likes everyone. She loves to cuddle and be out on adventures with me. She has a very stable mentality with a curious mind.

Sol is an easygoing, calmer dog that can switch really easy from full speed to passive and still. She has a big focus on her handler and commands. She can be offleash everywhere and is not bothered by other people, dogs or distractions when working.

Sol is a certified service dog just like her mother and she follows me everywhere I go. She is confident in all enviorments and goes with me to university, the grocery store, at doctors appointments and trips abroad. Sol has no problems with being left alone or going with a new person. She has always been very curious, social and easy to handle. She loves to work and toghether we have competed successfully in freestyle, heelwork to music, obedience and rallyobedience where she just got her championship. She is a very fast learner and responds fast to commands. She can sometimes react with a short bark when something suddenlty pops up right infront of her. Never with any fear or stress, she switches fast to curiosity and exploration or a quick sniff and then carries on with whathever she was doing. Overall Sol is a very confident and easygoing dog.

Sol loves to retrieve and has naturally wanted to give me everythings she finds. She takes all game and always brings everything fast to me and has nice deliveries. She is very eager to listen and always has an ear out for my commands, even when out on a big search.

Sol is very quiet when working even when she is excited and she has always been able to work toghether with other retrievers without any problems. Sol got a Very Good in our debut in retrieverhunttest when she was 1.5 years old. We have also started tollinghunttest with 2 Excellent prizes and came 4th i the competition to become junior tollingmaster 2024.

Sol has also been out on real bird hunts with me last autumn where she worked really well and fetched on both land and water.

Sols parents are both mine and are both active in different dog sports and tollinghunttests. Her mom Supernova is also a certified service dog, rallyobedience champion and is in the elite class of tollinghunttest and has competed sucessfully in alot of different dogsports. Dad Apollo is imported from Norway and has alot of different nationalities in his pedigree. Apollo is also a rallyobedience champion and is also in elite class tollinghunttest among alot of other things. Both work as retrievers on smaller hunts.

Sol is still young but have been healthy all her life, all her siblings are healthy and all but one are x-rayed free on hips (one with HD B/C), the whole litter is free on elbows. All her siblings are really nice dogs that love to work and I keep regular contact with the owners.


After alot of research and talking to Rinos owner, his breeder and his fathers breeder we really think Sol and Rino will be a great match. They compliment eachother great.
Vi förväntar oss att trygga, stabila och mycket arbetsglada valpar med en sund exteriör. Valparna tror vi kommer lämpa sig för jaktapportering och flera olika hundsporter. I släkten på de tilltänkta föräldrarna finns flera champions inom hundsport, jakt och utställning.


Mejla för mer info och intresseanmälan.


 Email for more info and interest.


Vi svarar på alla frågor gällande hälsa, mentalitet, träning etc. Öppenhet är jätteviktigt och vi vill ha en nära kontakt med alla våra valpköpare hela livet.

